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Ipswich is the county town of Suffolk with a resident population of approximately 130,000 and a retail catchment of almost 350,000. Ipswich is situated approximately 18 miles north of Colchester, 43 miles south of Norwich and 79 miles north east of London.
The property is situated on Falcon Street within the town centre, close to the newly pedestrianised Queen Street and St Nicholas Street junction. Nearby occupiers include Revolution, Leaders and a number of independent retailers.
The property comprises a two-storey building of masonry construction with a glazed front elevation. The ground floor consists of an open retail area to the front with ancillary rear store rooms and WC facilities. The first floor provides a large open area together with two further ancillary rooms .
The premises are fitted with spot lighting, electric heating and a tiled floor covering.
According to our measurements, the property provides the following approximate net internal floor areas:
Ground Floor
Sales Area: 441 sq ft ( 40.96 sq m)
Store 1: 35 sq ft ( 3.29 sq m)
Store 2: 35 sq ft ( 3.21 sq m)
Store 3: 18 sq ft ( 1.67 sq m)
WC's: -- --
First Floor
Sales Area: 623 sq ft ( 57.91 sq m)
Store: 4 31 sq ft ( 2.90 sq m)
Total Net Internal Floor Area: 1,183 sq ft (109.94 sq m)
We understand that the premises are connected to mains electricity, water and drainage.
We have not tested any of the services and all interested parties should rely upon their own enquiries with the relevant utility company in connection with the availability and capability of all those serving the property, including IT and telecommunication links.
The property has the benefit of planning permission for the conversion of the first floor to a 1 bedroom self-contained residential apartment, reference 23/00084/FUL.
All interested parties should make their own enquiries with the local planning authority regarding their intended use.
Business Rates
The premises are currently assessed as follows:
Rateable Value: £11,500
Rates Payable (2023/24): £5,738.50 per annum
The rates payable are based on the current UBR of £0.499. Small business rate relief may be available providing 100% exemption. All interested parties should make their own enquiries with Ipswich Borough Council to verify their rates liability.
Local Authority
Ipswich Borough Council, Grafton House, 15-17 Russell Road, Ipswich, IP1 2DE
Tel: 01473 432000
The property is to be sold by public auction on the 26th July 2023 at a guide price of £150,000.
Legal Costs
Each party is to be responsible for their own costs.