Mersea Week round-up 2014

In August, after the beautiful summer weather, hurricane Bertha decided to pay us a visit on the first day of Mersea Week. Subsequently the dinghy racing for the Dabchicks Regatta was blown out. On Monday we waited with anticipation in the sunshine only to be told that yet again racing had been abandoned, although the cruisers and the smacks had a lovely time out on the waves.
However, racing did start on Tuesday.
The traditional break on Wednesday was filled by the Round the Island Race with 137 competitors taking to the water this year, all with varying abilities and in different types of boats. And although hurricane Bertha had left our shores we were hit by a 6m tidal surge which kept the Coastguards busy with lots of incidents occurring on the island.
Thursday saw the Dabchicks Regatta eventually take place on the Fenn Wright sponsored day – and no sooner had this racing finished than a storm hit the island! However, another good day was had by all and I was delighted to award the prizes in the evening.
What a pleasure it was to be involved out on the water supporting the competitors, with my husband Graham Frost who ran the safety for the week. We’re looking forward to next year’s event already – why not pencil it in your diary for 2015 and join us.