OnTheMarket.com goes from strength to strength
Going from strength to strength, in May alone, OnTheMarket.com received 4.1million visits. In June, the highest ever day for traffic was recorded on the 16th whilst the first week of June achieved the highest number of leads.
As a new portal, OnTheMarket.com is focused on attracting currently active property-seekers who are likely to represent a fraction of the total traffic to more established portals. From launch until the end of May, OnTheMarket.com’s TV advert was aired more than 18,000 times and watched by 46million people. Across print media, more than 120 press adverts have run with online adverts generating around 188 million impressions, whilst the pay-per-click campaign has delivered some 90 million more. This powerful marketing campaign will continue unabated over the coming months.
Alan Williams, Managing Partner at Fenn Wright says: “It is great news that OnTheMarket.com is growing at such an impressive rate and it will continue to expand as the property-seeking public realises it is the first place to find some of the latest homes that come to market.”
Ian Springett, Chief Executive of OnTheMarket.com, says: “We are experiencing impressive levels of returning visitors as well as a high percentage of new ones, while consumers and agents tell us the website is clean and fresh and they are impressed by its lightning speed and by its responsive design (unique among the major portals). This allows it to adapt to the screen size of whatever device is being used to view it.”