Consultancy & Professional Services

At Fenn Wright we offer a wide range of professional services relating to fisheries, water and leisure properties. As well as consultancy, our services include advice on fishery design, landscaping, agency services and expert witness, to name a few.
Rent Reviews and Lease Renewals
It is our experience that rents can vary enormously for the same type of property. Many rents have been set historically and are subject to indexation, which may not reflect the true market rent. We have built up a comprehensive database of rental values for all types of water over the years, which is extremely helpful in advising our clients whether they be landlords or tenants.
We are often asked to advise and prepare Heads of Terms for new leases. We are able to bring our specialist knowledge to ensure that leases are both properly drawn up and practically enforceable as well as being fair and reasonable to both parties.
Fishery Consultancy
One of the benefits of visiting in excess of 100 properties a year is that we are able to offer guidance to owners on a number of issues relating to fisheries. Listed below are some of the most common topics:
- Fishery design
- Landscaping
- Fish diseases
- Fishery management appraisals
- Fish stock assessment
Expert Witness
Fenn Wright are regularly instructed to prepare expert reports, attend planning appeals and court in relation to fisheries and associated property.
The most frequent instruction is either to act as an independent or joint expert in the valuation of property for matrimonial purposes. Fenn Wright has probably the largest database of comparable evidence in the country and are, therefore, well placed to prepare these specialist valuations. We have also been appointed to assess the diminution in value of fisheries as a result events such as pollution and hydro-electric schemes.
Rental values
Advising a County Wildlife Trust on rental values of lakes with specific management conditions.
Mineral Excavation
Advising major minerals operator on land and water use strategy following mineral excavation, to maximise both income and capital values
Other Professional Services
Our professional services have expanded on the back of our specialist knowledge and experience. Fenn Wright are able to offer consultancy and professional advice in many other areas specific to leisure properties and businesses.
To find out how we can help, talk to the experts in our Water & Leisure team on 01206 216555 or click below to email us.